This photography workshop is great for anyone who has already done the beginners workshop or knows a little about of their camera in manual mode and looking to push their skills that little bit further.

Together we will re-cap the basics of photography, and then we will learn what else your camera can do. We will spend some time working on the theory in the studio and then using this in practice outside (weather depending).

Once you have learnt the rules it’s always a fun and exciting time to see what you can do next. Jane works in a very practical, hands-on way and feels this is the best way to learn. She will be with you every step of the way to push your skills to the next level.

What to bring:
- Your camera (any DSLR) and we will spend some time in the space learning about its settings
- Dress warm and comfortable as we will spend time outside exploring the camera settings
- Something to make notes and write with
- Any objects you wish to try to photograph (optional)