Beginners intro session to the camera, with Jane Robertshaw (One Last Picture)

Come learn how to love your camera and take amazing photographs! If you have a digital camera and want to take it off auto to understand how a camera really works, this is for you.

This workshop will be hands on teaching and lots of practice around the gorgeous village of Saltaire, where there will be interesting streets, people and landscapes to photograph.

Having a camera can be exciting, yet quite daunting too. We will look at the basics of how the camera operates with the 3 basic elements; shutter speed, aperture and ISO, as well as understanding composition, colour and lighting.

You don’t need any photographic knowledge, just come prepared to explore your camera, be brave and have fun!

Instagram: @onelastpicture_photography

Facebook: @onelastpicture1

What to expect

A skilled tutor and like-minded people keen to share their ideas develop new skills in a really friendly, creative environment.

What to bring with you

  • Your camera (any style, make or model) and we will spend some time in the space learning
  • about its settings
  • Dress warm and comfortable as we will spend time outside exploring the camera settings
  • Something to make notes and write with
  • Any objects you wish to try to photograph (optional)

Price includes refreshments.


All proceeds from this workshop will be used to support the People Powered Press' work with community groups around the Bradford district, amplifying local voices and spreading words worth spreading.